Pay Loan/Credit Card Online
Please note that if you have an auto payment or reoccurring payment setup you will use the same sign on information. Everyone else will need to reenroll your account.
Pay with a Homeland CU Account
Currently available: auto loans, signature loans, vacation/Christmas loans, recreational vehicle loans, credit cards, and mortgages. Please note that MyCU mortgages must be paid here.
Homeland CU members enjoy easy to pay options on these loans in Online Banking. Please login to Online Banking to pay your loan. Need to setup your online banking? View login instructions.
Pay with a non-Homeland CU Account
Currently available: auto loans, signature loans, vacation/Christmas loans, recreational vehicle loans, credit cards, and mortgages. Please note that MyCU mortgages must be paid here.
Please have your Member Account Number, Last 4 digits of SSN and First 5 digits of Zip code ready.